If you plan to sit back and let Mother Nature take its course, then these are the wildflower mixes for you.
Ideal for large extensions.
Country festival
19 wild and floral species in various colours make up this blend that will give the sown areas a special charm throughout the season.
Its versatility allows it to adapt to any type of climate and soil while the composition guarantees a prolonged flowering period with a height of about 60-70 cm.
Requires little watering.
Sowing Rate
from 2 to 4 gr/mq.
Linum usitatissiunum Lotus corniculus Onobrychis vicifolia Trifolium incarnatum Achillea millefolium Anthemis tinctoria |
Anthyllis vulteraria Calendula officinais Centaurea cyanus Chrysanthemum segetum Eschscholzia Californica Leucanthemum vulgare |
Linum perenne Linum grandiflorum Malva moschata Mysotis alpestris Papaver rhoeas sauvage Saponaria ocymoides |
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Packaging Bag | Packaging Bag kg. 1 |
Sowing Rate
from 1 to 2 gr/mq.
Alyssum/Lobutaria maritimum Alyssum saxatile Arabis alpina Aubretia hybrida Bellis perennis |
Calendula officinalis nanum Campanula carpatica Centaurea cyanus nain Cerastium biebersteinii Eschsholzia califonica nain |
Heliantemum mutabile Malcomia marítima Myosotis alpestris Saponaria ocymoides Viola tricolor |
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Packaging Bag | Packaging Bag kg. 1 |
Sowing Rate
from 1 to 2 gr/mq.
Centaurea cyanus Cosmos bipinnatus Cosmos sulphureus Rudbeckia hirta Zinna elegans |
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Packaging Bag | Packaging Bag kg. 1 |
Perennial landscape
A blend of annual and perennial flowers designed to recover brownfields guaranteeing long flowering over large areas for several years.
The presence of annual essences allows sowing quite late in the season with flowering from the beginning of the following season, reaching a height of 60-80 cm.
Spring or autumn sowing.
Sowing Rate
from 1,5 to 2,5 gr/mq
Linum usitatissinum Centaurea cyanus Coreopsis lanceolata Leucanthemum vulgare |
Linum perenne Malva sylvestris Nigella damascena Saponaria vaccaria |
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Packaging Bag | Packaging Bag kg. 1 |