Kentucky bluegrass
Aviator II has increased resistance to diseases like dollar spot and excellent self-repairing ability. Its key features include rapid establishment, a dark green color, quick spring recovery, and excellent seedling vigor.
BLUE GEM stands out for its excellent seedling vigor, disease resistance, and outstanding turf performance during the summer.
BlueNote is a compact America-type bluegrass known for its excellent color, texture, density, and shade tolerance. It thrives under moderate fertility management and offers great cold tolerance with superior winter color. Aggressive and drought-tolerant, it forms dense turf with excellent disease resistance. Suitable for diverse climates, BlueNote is ideal for sod production, golf courses, and professional sports turf.
ZIP is the result of a native plant collected in Oklahoma crossed with Gladstone Kentucky Bluegrass. Properties observed have been quick establisment, persistent turf in low maintenance settings, early spring greenup and high seed count.