Green Star Special
- Tolerant to drought and shade
- Low nutritional needs
- Reduced cuts
- Good soil stabilisation
- Produces a dense and attractive turf
Green Star Sport
- Produces a fine and dense turf
- Low cut tolerant
- High resistance to diseases
- Excellent wear toleranc
- Brilliant colour all year round
Honey flowers
Blend of annual essences and perennials that provide nectar and pollen to insects. The presence of some wild essences guarantees effective mixing.
Average height from 50 to 80 cm.
HYDRO MULCH 100% Wood fibres
Vegetable fibre mixture (NFU 44-4551) specially designed for hydroseeding and hydro-mulching work
- “Temporary” protection against erosion (<6 months)
- Germination accelerator
- Improving performance
Insect flowers
Blend of perennial essences that provide food and shelter for auxiliary insects that are useful for crops
Average height from 60 to 100 cm, spring or autumn sowing.
Italian petals
A blend of perennial and annual wildflowers from wild areas or Alpine productions.
The rusticity of this floral blend, brought by wild species, gives it a great ability to adapt to various environments.
This mixture reaches a height of around 40-70cm.